Metabolic Health with Heart Surgeon Dr. Philip Ovadia
Stay Off My Operating Table
S2E22: Steak and Butter Gal, from Vegan to Carnivore in One Step

S2E22: Steak and Butter Gal, from Vegan to Carnivore in One Step

As a performer, Bella has always been concerned with how she looked. She had acne problems and serious weight issues that she wanted to overcome. Desperate to find healing, she turned to the vegan diet. She only ate whole-food plant-based and did not take any supplements. Great results happened initially. She finally lost weight and felt some surge of energy. But after a few years, her body started to feel nutrient deficiencies, she wasn’t getting her period, and her skin condition didn’t improve at all.

After 6 years of vegan diet, amidst the guilt-tripping of the community, she left and started to eat meat again. From a committed whole-foods vegan, she chose to go full carnivore diet.

And she has never felt that great.

That’s how she became the Steak and Butter Gal. In this episode, hear the first-hand experience of someone who has been on different sides of the dieting spectrum, why the carnivore diet makes her feel her best, and how she uses her platform to reach and help more people by building a support community.

In this episode:
16:36 - Vegan Community uses guilt to keep people inline - "protect the animals, protect the earth"
20:36 - What the vegan community said when she asked if  having "no cycle" was normal
22:00 - The whole food vegan
23:15 - The essential elements absent from a plant-based diet
39:00 - Eating a whole stick of butter every day
42:19 - Making the transition from vegan to carnivore
45.45 - Differences in the vegan / carnivore community

Connect with Steak and Butter Gal

Episode snippets:
10:21 - 10:56 - Vegan diet and deficiency in nutrients and vitamins
13:07 - 13:44 - Vegan diet as an identity
17:29 - 18:25 - The message is about protecting the earth
19:15 - 19:56 - Imposed guilt for natural behaviors
21:26 - 21:50 - Not getting a period is normal
25:12 - 26:02 - What happens when we lack vitamin B
29:20 - 30:30 - Turning carnivore overnight
36:52 - 37:42 - The misinterpretation of the China Study
40:56 - 42:24 - Eating fat allowed us to evolve as humans
46:51 - 47:59 - The welcoming vibe of the carnivore community

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Theme Song : Rage Against
Written & Performed by Logan Gritton & Colin Gailey
(c) 2016 Mercury Retro Recordings

Metabolic Health with Heart Surgeon Dr. Philip Ovadia
Stay Off My Operating Table
I'm a heart surgeon. I'd rather help you prevent heart disease than treat you on my operating table.